2952-338 UEP [AY 2022 Fall] Meeting 13

Today we will be meeting online [via Teams]. The plan is to cover the lecture topic 13, “Congestion and urban transit.” Next week will be our last meeting and I plan to cover the final topic which is on urban crime. Since we did not discuss the readings from last week (Rees and Kahn), we will spend some time on those in the second half of class next week, if there is time.

    • Your second essay should be published on Project Pathumwan by Friday, December 2nd. If you would like to have some feedback on your second outline and you would like to have enough time to review and incorporate the feedback into your essay, try to get it to me by this week sometime, so I can get it back to you by the  23rd of November along with the feedback from your first essay.
    • If you have not received a response from me related to the second outline by the 23rd, please message me, because there is a chance it was overlooked or it was missing somehow.
    • Some additional slides on “Externalities from Automobiles.”
    • The Nation, “Bangkok ‘congestion charge’ in pipeline as traffic study nears completion,” September 26, 2022.
    • “We are determined to promote the widespread use of electric-powered transportation throughout the nation and continue developing a full-range EV business to become a future EV ecosystem leader,” said Suchat Ramarch, president of PTT Oil and Retail Business. Read Bangkok Post:GWM partners with PTT to build EV charger network,” October 21, 2022.

Some articles on this subject from me:

Dutch Cycling Embassy: “How to Get Cycling on the Agenda? Bikenomics!” August 17, 2022.